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♫What Determines Investment Into Fine Arts Programs in Public High Schools♫

An Action Research Pilot Study


My name is Tiandra Bland

Doctorate of Education in Collaborative High Impact Instruction, Cohort 4

I am an elementary school principal and former music educator. I am a married mother of 5 who believes in family. I believe in arts education and the positive long-term impact on children with lasting effects into adulthood. Many researchers found data that showed that arts education is an essential part of the student’s educational experience and creativity. “When these educational systems cut down the opportunities for students to investigate their creativity, school performance suffers” (Mascareno, 2018, p. 3). Some schools are facing budgetary challenges where programs may have to be cut and it is usually the arts.  This study will show research related to arts education in schools and the defunding issues they face. 

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Children in Classroom

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this action research pilot was to address the disparity in school funding as it pertains to arts education around the research questions.

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